Monthly Musings: Surving the Winter Months

Linking up with Holly & Patty for Monthly Musings! This month we’re talking about surviving the winter months!

What do you do in the winter that brings you joy?
Being under my electric blanket & cuddling with my dog.

How do you stay warm & cozy?
Electric blanket, slipper or fuzzy socks, & a hoodie.

What are you looking forward to this winter?
Winter is almost over here, & really it’s been a super mild winter, but I am in fact still looking forward to it ending & spring/summer starting.

Favorite wintertime activities.
I am not a winter fan & despite growing up in Minnesota I never have been. When I was a kid/teenager I was in figure skaiting though. Now, I prefer just staying inside & keeping warm.

Favorite months of winter.
I really don’t have one. I suppose February because it’s the shortest & the last winter month haha.

Favorite dishes to make in winter.
SOUPS! Give me all the soups.

Gas or wood burning fireplace?
I prefer the smell/vibe of a wood burning fireplace but I won’t discriminate. Give me any fireplace & I’m happy.

Favorite winter hot beverage.
Coffee. Always.

Favorite winter movies.
When I think winter movies I think Christmas movies. My favorite Christmas movies are the Santa Claus movies & Christmas Vacation

How do you stay healthy in winter?
This winter in particular was brutal for me as far as allergies, colds, & sinus issues. I’m going to blame the fact that unlike last winter I didn’t make any fire cider. When I did have fire cider on hand I’d put a tablespoon or 2 of that in a hot cup of water or tea every morning to keep my immune system top notch. Something I did lean into this winter though was allowing myself to rest & live like it was winter rather than trying to live like it’s summer in the winter months where I’m go go go.

10 thoughts on “Monthly Musings: Surving the Winter Months

  1. I like your answer to the last question. I never thought about it that way, but you’re right, giving ourselves permission to live like it is winter instead of trying to live like it’s summer probably is really helpful in keeping our expectations realistic. And therefore keeping healthy. 🙂


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