Goals & Gratitude

I originally got this idea from a Rachel Hollis post. Disclaimer: my thoughts on her in general are for another post another time. Despite my feelings on her, I still do like the idea behind the plan. The plan is called the 10-10-1 plan. The basic concept is to think of your dream life in 10 years, write down 10 dreams that would need to come true for that version of your life to come true, & then you focus on one goal at a time that would help you get there. I took the basic concept of the plan & then added my own twist.

I thought about what my dream life would look like. How the best version of myself would be living. And then I started a journal. I split each page down the middle vertically & then into thirds horizontally (because my notebook happened to have 30 lines). On the left hand side in the top margin I wrote “Goals” & on the right hand side I wrote “Gratitude.” Everyday I write the same 10 goals for my life & then at the end of each day, or sometimes as they pop up, I write 10 things that I’m grateful for or made me happy *that* day.

Writing the same 10 goals each day keeps me focused on what I want out of life. It’s almost like a vison board but with only text. And actually having to write it out rather than just read it means I have to be more conscious of it. The only time I’ve changed a goal is when it has come true. For example one of my previous goals was “I live near my family.” After 9.5 years in Texas I moved back to Minnesota near my family so that goal came true so it got replaced. I also write the goals as though they are already factual statements rather than things I *want* to happen.

Writing 10 things I’m grateful for each day helps me to keep a positive outlook. When you focus more on the positive than the negative, not only are you generally happier, you also start to just naturally notice more of the good & less of the bad in life. I truly believe that whatever vibe you put out/focus on is the one that you will attract.

My Current Goals
1. I am a mother
2. I am in a healthy relationship
3. I own my own home
4. My career gives me freedom
5. I am debt free
6. I travel frequently
7. My anxiety is in check
8. I maintain a healthy weight
9. I have a dog friend for Nash
10. I am happy

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